by Embryolab Academy | Oct 6, 2022
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Gynecologist in Assisted Reproduction
Michalis Kyriakidis is a gynecologist specializing in reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction.
His scientific interests include gynecological endocrinology and assisted reproduction.
The particular clinical interests of Michalis lie in the improvement and application of modern assistance protocols for women who are expected poor responders and those of advanced reproductive age. His research includes investigations into reproductive ageing and the impact of environmental factors on women’s reproductive profile.
Michalis is an active member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
As a doctor in Embryolab’s International department, he recognizes the sincere wish of couples across the globe to have their own children, and he supports their efforts with all that Embryolab offers so that they may fulfil their dream!
Gynecologist in Assisted Reproduction, European Fellow of Reproductive Medicine ESHRE/EBCOG
Marina Dimitraki is gynecologist specializing in infertility research and assisted reproduction
΄She has research work in the field of gynecological endocrinology and assisted reproduction and her scientific work is published in Greek and international journals.
She participates in the works of congresses in Greece and abroad, with interest in gynecological endocrinology, reproductive medicine, endometriosis / adenomyosis, child and adolescent gynecology.
Marina is married and has a son. She is interested in the organization and performance of medical research protocols and supports the necessity of ongoing study, being also a graduate of the Philosophy school of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is an ambassador for person-centered medicine, and for that reason the phrase which encapsulates her is taken from Hippocrates: Ουκ ένι ιατρικήν είδέναι, όστις μη οίδεν ό τι εστίν άνθρωπος. “It is impossible for someone to know medicine when he does not know what man is’.
Marina is a member of ΕSHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), EBCOG (European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology), of the ISGE (International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology), HSCCP (Hellenic Society for Cervical Pathology, HSGE (Hellenic Society of Gynaecological Endocrinology) and ΕΛ.Ε.Ι.Υ.Α (Hellenic Society of Assisted Reproduction Physicians).
Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine Honorary Clinical Lecturer Imperial College, London
Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Lab. of Biomedical Diagnostics, Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Department of Reproductive Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium Department of Public Health – School of Medicine, University Federico II, Naples, Italy Embryolab Fertility Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
Embryolab IVF Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Drakopoulos is an assisted reproduction gynecologist specializing in infertility and assisted reproduction investigation and treatment.
Specialized for a number of years at the Center for Reproductive Medicine of the University of Brussels (CRG, UZ Brussel), since 2019 he is also a visiting Professor at the University.
He is acknowledged as a specialist in reproductive medicine both by ESHRE (European society of Human Reproduction) and EBCOG (European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynecology).
Mr. Drakopoulos has authored more than 80 articles in international journals and is a guest speaker at many international IVF conferences on an annual basis. He also contributes as a reviewer to the most important journals in the field of infertility (Human Reproduction update, Human reproduction, Fertility and Sterility, etc.).
His scientific interest focuses mainly on reproductive endocrinology and strategies for improving the outcome of patients with poor prognosis.
What characterizes him profoundly is his emphasis on the "human being", the individualized approach to the problem (individualized medicine) and the application of only evidence based medicine (evidence based medicine). His medical approach is perfectly expressed in the saying of Patch Adams: "You Treat A Disease, You Win, You Lose – You Treat A Person, I Guarantee You, You'll Win, No Matter What The Outcome is".
Igenomix Foundation, INCLIVA Health Research Institute, Valencia, Spain
Alexis Adler has worked for over 30 years in human reproduction, becoming an early embryologist at the start of the Cornell University program with Dr. Michael Bedford, helping to establish the laboratory that was joined by Drs. Jacques Cohen, Santiago Munne and Gianpiero Palermo among others. The protocols devised at Cornell are still the foundation of human embryology and are still in use today, worldwide in part to our regular seminars and consulting. Adler left Cornell, with Dr. Jamie Grifo, establishing the NYU laboratory that she ran for almost 20 years before diverging into the art world while continuing to consult in embryology. During her time at NYU she had the opportunity to work with Dr. John Zhang on his grounbreaking work on GV transfer and help establish a laboratory in his home town of Hang Zhou which she visited in 2019 to celebrate the 20 year anniversary celebration. Adler helped to initiate blastocyst culture along with developing the TE biopsy/vitrfication program at NYU that has become the backbone of that clinic, improving the pregnancy potential of all patients but especially the older patients whose embryos are plagued by aneuploidy and treating patients with genetic disease and those who have failed IVF previously. Since leaving NYU, Adler has worked at New Hope Fertility, CCRM, and Extend Fertility.
Adler has authored or co-authored more than 40 publications, presenting papers nationally and internationally. Adler has also consulted at clinics in the U.S. and around the world as well as served as the chairperson of the NY Embryologist Society and as the chairperson of the embryologist society within ASRM. Adler has reviewed papers for various journals and has been actively involved in establishing guidelines and developing programs in embryology.
Panelist, Director of the Clinical Embryology Laboratory at IVI Valencia
Dr. Maria J. de los Santos started her career in 1991 in the IVF laboratory of IVI Valencia.
She received her PhD in Biology from University of Valencia in 1996, and from 1996-1999 she carried out her postdoctoral fellowship in Reproductive Immunology at Fearing Research Laboratory at Harvard Medical School, under the supervision of Dr. Deborah Anderson and Dr. Joseph Hill.
She also worked as clinical embryologist at the Brigham and Women´s Hospital under the direction of Dr. Catherine Racowsky.
B.Sc. | Biology. University of Valencia, Spain (1990) |
Master Degree | Biology of Reproduction. University of Valencia, Spain (1991) |
Ph.D (Biology) | Valencia School of Medicine. University of Valencia, Spain (1996) |
Fellowship | Postdoctoral fellowship on Immunology of Reproduction at Fearing Research Laboratory. Harvard Medical School, MA, USA (1996-1999) |
GENERA Lab Supervisor, Senior Clinical Embryologist (ESHRE certified)
Roberta Maggiulli is an ESHRE-certified senior clinical embryologist.
She obtained her MSc in Biotechnology and post-graduate school of specialization in Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Parma, then she worked as Research Staff Associate at the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility of Weill Cornell Medical College of New York.
Since 2009 she is the lab supervisor of the GENERA center in Rome. At present she is a member of the scientific board of the Italian Society of Embryology, Reproduction and Research (SIERR).
Her interests encompass the validation and standardization of laboratory practices in IVF.
Embryologist at San Raffaele Hospital, Senior Deputy of the SIG SQART - ESHRE
January 2021: Review Editor of Frontiers Reproductive Health Journal.
June 2019- at present: Senior Deputy of the Special Interest Group on Safety and Quality in ART (SIG SQART) of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
January 2019- at present: Member of the Editorial Board of the Notify Library
June 2018: Principal Investigator of the study: Does partial zona pellucida removal from vitrified-warmed human blastocysts improve delivery rate in in vitro fertilization? A multicentric RCT on Laser Assisted Hatching. IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
July 2017-June 2019: Junior Deputy of the Special Interest Group on Safety and Quality in ART (SIG SQART) of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
September 2015-present: Embryologist at San Raffaele Hospital, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
November 2011- 2015: Embryologist at Ferticlinic-Villa Margherita, Rome, Italy.
January 2011-September 2011: Postdoctoral fellowship at Development and Therapy of the Muscle Lab, Division of Regenerative Medicine, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
January 2021- at present: School of Specialization in Microbiology and Virology, University of Pavia, Italy
July 2018: ESHRE Senior Clinical Embryologist Certification
June 2015: ESHRE Clinical Embryologist Certification
February 2014 - June 2014: “Course of Biology and news technologies in Assisted Reproductive Technology” at Federico II University, Naples, Italy.
November 2007 - February 2011: PhD in Cellular Biology and Development at Department of Cellular Biology and Development, Sapienza-University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Thesis title: “Role of differentiation associated-microRNAs in the regulation of myogenesis and the control of cell transformation”.
February 2005 - May 2007: Master degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology at Sapienza-University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Thesis title: "MicroRNAs in muscle differentiation control” (110/100 cum laude).
September 2001 - February 2005: Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences at Sapienza-University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Thesis title: "Interaction between early adenoviral products and cell functions" (110/100 cum laude).
Rainbow IVF Director
Dr. Keshav Malhotra holds a masters degree in Clinical Embryology and is one of the few ESHRE certified Clinical Embryologists in INDIA. He is the Lab Director of Rainbow IVF and now the Director of Malhotra Embryology training Academy. Dr. Malhotra is on the board of ISAR and ISPAT and has worked on Key projects pertaining to Embryology in the country like the Occupational Standard for Embryologists and the Embryology Consensus.
Scientific Director at Fertility Associates New Zealand
Dr. Morbeck is the Scientific Director at Fertility Associates New Zealand, Sunfert International Fertility Centre, and an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Auckland. He oversees science in IVF clinics throughout New Zealand and Malaysia that annually perform >4000 fresh cycles. Prior to moving to NZ, Dean was an Associate Professor at the Mayo Clinic. He has a keen interest in quality of care, as evidenced by his publications on media composition and laboratory KPIs. He has also completed an MBA, which he is putting to use to improve both the science and patient experience at Fertility Associates and Sunfert.
Director IVF lab and Quality Management Team member– Post-doctoral fellow in the G-FAST research team at UGhent
My research experience started in the field of proteomics where I obtained a PhD in biomarker research in inflammatory arthritides at the University of Ghent in 2007. At that time, I combined my scientific enthusiasm with the responsibility of quality manager for an accredited DNA fingerprinting laboratory. As a post-doctoral fellow, I got in touch with the group op Petra De Sutter, as we joined forces in several research projects. Because of my experience as a quality manager and my interest in the wonderful world of reproductive medicine, I started a new career at the department of Petra de Sutter in November 2009. I combined the task of quality manager of the fertility centre with scientific research in the area of fertility preservation. During the years, I combined quality management with project and laboratory process management.
Currently, I am the director of the Ghent University Hospital IVF lab, where I have the privilege to work with a very dynamic and enthusiastic team.
I am coordinator of the special interest group SQART at ESHRE, Belgian representative for EDQM at the Council of Europe and board member of international organization ICCBBA (ISBT-128).
Male Fertility Center, Lab deputy director.
Miki Belenky is a Clinical biologist and embryologist specializing in male infertility. After graduating from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and more than 12 years of medical laboratory experience, completed his M.Sc. degree in Bar-Ilan University with a thesis on sperm function. Since 2015 has been working at Male Fertility Center, a highly specialized andrology laboratory dealing with severe cases of male infertility. Currently, holds the position of deputy director of the lab. Also, works as an embryologist at the IVF department of Shamir Medical Center. Participated in several research projects focusing on sperm morphology, function and cryopreservation, including a development of a novel technique for cryopreservation of individual spermatozoa. Member of the Israeli Fertility Association (IFA) and ESHRE.
Marketing Director at ZyMōt Fertility
Matthew Feldman began his career as a biochemist, studying the molecular mechanisms of colon cancer progression in mouse models and human disease. He continued studying therapeutic strategies to mitigate RNA decay in classes of genetic disease.
Leaving research to become an advocate for vaccine-preventable diseases, he began a career at the intersection of scientific innovation and digital communications. Speaking these two different languages, he became an effective champion of improving health through new solutions to critical challenges: first in the fight against childhood pneumonia and then in combating the global tuberculosis epidemic through the development of new, effective vaccines.Through cross-functional and international collaborations across therapeutic areas and industries, his work educated new audiences and sparked meaningful actions.
In his current role as Marketing Director at ZyMōt Fertility (DxNow, Inc.), Matt thinks about the challenges facing reproductive medicine and the need for transformative innovations to reach people, to improve and create lives.
Through his experiences as a scientist, communicator and as a patient, Matt is focused on how focusing on sperm health can help clinics, healthcare providers and patients in their fertility journey.
Medical Laboratory Technologist
Hands-On Expert
Aimilia Vorniotaki is a Technologist in the Medical Laboratory with many years of experience in the IVF laboratory.
She graduated in 2009 from the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologists of the Technological Educational Institute of Larissa where she gained a distinction in her diploma thesis on ‘Estrogen-Prolactin'
From 2009 to 2011, she worked in microbiology laboratories in both state hospitals and private diagnostic centers in Thessaloniki.
Since 2011, she has been a member of the laboratory team at Embryolab, while in 2017 obtained the certificate in specialized education in the branch of Human Reproduction at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Hands-On Expert
Eleni Takis is a biologist. She graduated from the Aristotle University School of Biology in 2009, pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Newcastle (MRes in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine), and in 2017 completed his Master's Degree Program in Human Behavioral Therapy. .
She has worked at a Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Cryopreservation Bank, as well as a research fellow at the National Research Foundation.
She has been a member of Embryolab's laboratory team since October 2017.
Hands-On Expert
Athina Chatzianastasiou is a biologist specialized in research methods in male infertility. She graduated from the Department of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2010.
From 2011 she worked in private companies in Thessaloniki with a specialization in Biology.
In 2014, she completed her internship at Embryolab and since than she has officially joined the laboratory group of the Clinic.
IVF Consultant
Enginsu was born in Turkey in 1962. After finishing his studies in University of Ankara Faculty of Medicine and became a Medical Doctor in1988, he moved to The Netherlands and started to work as research assistant in University of Limburg Faculty of Medicine, Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics department, Maastricht, He started to work in the IVF unit due to his research on “Male Infertility” and his Ph.D. thesis titled “Morphology and function of human spermatozoa” was accepted on April 1988. He was invited to work on “Micromanipulation with laser” project to Brussels, Catholic University of Leuven, St Luc Hospital in Belgium in May 1994.
In March 1995 he was invited to Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department as IVF laboratory director for the set up of micromanipulation unit and worked as an instructor. In January 1996 he moved to Istanbul to set up an IVF laboratory in American Hospital and worked there as the laboratory director. He then worked in International Hospital, Metropolitan Florence Nightingale Hospital, Şİşli Memorial Hospital as laboratory director between 1997 and 2004.
Dr. Enginsu have also worked in setting up the IVF unit for Kalamış Tıp Merkezi Istanbul.
Between March 2005 to January 2017 he worked as the director of the IVF unit in KadıköyŞifa Hospital Istanbul.
Between March 2018 to March 2019 he worked as the Laboratory Director in LIV Hospital Ulus in Istanbul.
He is currently working with Femina Women’s Health Clinic for IVF patients. Dr Enginsu has his own consultanting firm and working as a consultant for medical companies and IVF clinics both in national and international terms.
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Biotechnology UoT
Katerina Moutou holds a Bachelor of Biology from Aristotle University of Technology (1991) and a PhD in Fish Physiology from Aberdeen University, Great Britain (1996).
Dr Moutou has been an EU Research Fellow at the University of Algarve, Portugal (1997-1998) and subsequently a lecturer in Teaching Science 4040/80 at the University of Thessaly (1998-2003) where he has served as a faculty member of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology from 2003 until today.
Dr Mutu has participated in 12 COST Research Programs and Actions and has contributed to 37 publications in peer-reviewed journals with more than 500 cross-references and h-index 11.
She is a reviewer of a number of international scientific journals and research funding bodies such as the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK and the European Research Framework Programs (FP7, H2020).
She has been a member of the Committee of Experts of the European Commission on the Evaluation and Evaluation of the Impact of FP7-funded Research Programs on the EU-funded KBBE Projects' Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology in the area of “Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology” (FAFB) and is currently a member of the Committee of Experts of the European Commission on the evaluation and evaluation of the impact of research programs that are funded within the program of Societal Challenge 2 “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy”.
Lab Director of NextClinic IVF Centers Prof. H. Zech Bregenz
Mrs Astrid Stecher is an ESHRE-certified Senior Clinical Embryologist and has a long experience in ART, both in practical work and organizational issues and topics.
She has been working in IVF Center Prof. H. Zech since 1995, which has been steadily expanding through all the years.
She is member of a team that has already established several laboratories.
A main focus is the cooperation with other laboratories for optimization and standardization, trouble shooting and comparison of KPIs, but also scientific cooperation.
Since 2008 she is certified as ESHRE Senior Clinical Embryologist.
Her main interest is the optimization of embryo culture, severe male factor infertility and quality management in the ART laboratory.
She has co-organized several national and international workshops on various ART topics.
She is a board member of the Austrian Society for Reproduction and Endocrinology and of the "EmbryologenForum Austria".
She is a member of the Swiss Society for Reproductive Medicine (SGRM, SWICE), the European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE) and inspector for the ESHRE ART Center Certification for Good Clinical Practices.
Astrid has been invited to speak at national and international conferences and is the author and co-author of many scientific articles, conference papers and book contributions.
She is still fascinated of ART and enjoys the progress in this field.
It is one of the best tasks in the world to help people become parents.
Co-Founder/ Director/ Consultant Embryologist IVF London
Alpesh is a consultant Clinical Embryologist and a co-founder of IVF London. He is also a co-founder and director of the Embryology and PGD Academy. Alpesh previously worked at the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health in the leading capacity as a Director of Embryology for 19 years and was pivotal in optimising the success rates. He was also an honorary consultant at the Reproductive Medicine Unit at UCLH NHS Trust. He holds a postgraduate degree in Human Reproductive Medicine and has qualified from the prestigious Imperial College School of Medicine.
Alpesh is a Diplomate of the Royal College of Pathologists and also a ESHRE certified Senior Embryologist. He has been an executive committee member of several international embryology societies and holds a very active interest in promoting education platforms through these professional bodies. He was among the first scientists to bring the egg and embryo freezing technology of ‘vitrification’ to the UK in 2007. He is a world renowned expert in the biopsy of human embryos for genetic testing.
Alpesh has authored several papers in high impact journals and written several book chapters in addition to being an honorary lecturer at University College London where he teaches embryology on two of the Masters courses. He has been an invited speaker in many international conferences and workshops as well as several Health chat shows on television including Zee TV and ITV’s This morning. Alpesh has a special interest in fertility preservation, preimplantation genetic diagnosis and genome editing of embryos.
Director of X & Y Fertility, Leicester, UK
Dr Bryan Woodward is a free-lance reproductive scientist who specializes in trouble-shooting fertility clinics to improve andrology and embryology services. He has worked as a consultant for over 50 IVF clinics in countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. He offers hands-on andrology and embryology training as required and also advises on Quality Management.
In 2008, he was awarded a PhD (University of Nottingham, UK) entitled ‘Trans-species study of factors affecting ICSI’. In the same year he was certified by ESHRE as a Senior Clinical Embryologist and by the Royal College of Pathology (UK) as a Fellow.
In 2016, he established X&Y Fertility in Leicester, UK, as a clinic to help treat male fertility. He is also the HFEA Person Responsible at the London branch of the European Sperm Bank.
In the UK, Bryan has served on the Executive Committees of the Association of Clinical Embryologists (ACE) and the Association of Biomedical Andrologists (ABA). He is currently the Coordinator of the ESHRE Steering Committee for Embryologist Certification.
He has co-edited books in the field of ART including “Troubleshooting and Problem Solving in the IVF laboratory”; “Male Infertility Sperm Diagnosis, Management and Delivery”; and “Female Infertility: Core Principles and Clinical Management”.
Bryan Woodward is also a keen mountaineer, having climbed two of the world’s highest peaks: Mt Aconcagua (Argentina) and Mt Elbrus (Russia).
Embryolab Lab Director, Senior Clinical Embryologist, ESHRE certified,
Mr. Achilleas Papatheodorou is a senior clinical embryologist with an experience of more than 20.000 cycles in assisted reproduction (ART), among which a great number of cases with severe male infertility and application of embryo biopsy for Preimplantation Genetic Testing.
His scientific interests focus mainly on the aspects of vitrification technique on human oocytes, embryos and the cryopreservation of human spermatozoa.
In 2004, Mr. Achilleas Papatheodorou graduated from school of Biology, in Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
In 2005 he received his Master of Medical Sciences (M.Med.Sci.) degree in Assisted Reproduction Technology (University of Nottingham, UK).
In 2016 he was awarded with a PhD Degree from the Medical School of University of Ioannina. His PhD research project was the Clinical application of vitrification technique for cryopreserving human oocytes.
In 2017 he was certified by ESHRE as senior Clinical Embryologist.
Achilleas Papatheodorou has worked as a clinical embryologist in Thessaloniki, Athens, Albania and Italy. Additionally, he has worked as a scientific consultant of the IVF laboratory of San Carlo Hospital in Potenza, Italy. He has visited plenty of IVF clinics in Italy sharing his knowledge and technology with their embryology and andrology stuff.
Achilleas has done numerous oral presentations in conferences and hands on workshops and at he same time is involved in research projects and training for all the modern ART lab techniques and is the author of a number of scientific articles, posters and chapters.
He is a member of the European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE), the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and the Greek Association of Clinical Embryologists (PEKE) in which currently he serves as a vice-president.
From 2019 he is working in Embryolab, Fertility Clinic as Senior Clinical Embryologist.
Laboratory Technologist
Medical Laboratory Technologist
Sgoura Stella is a Medical Laboratory Technologist, who specialises in vitro fertilisation techniques.
Stella has graduated from the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences of the University of Thessaly, in 2005. During her final year she completed her practice in the Heamatology Department of the Hippocratio General Hospital of Thessaloniki, where she continued to work voluntarily until 2006.
In 2006 she became a member of the laboratory team of Embryolob where she was gradually trained in all aspects of the laboratory techniques.
Stella is an active member of the Embryolab Academy and has participated in all workshops held in Greece by the Academy (“Fluorescent in Situ Hybridisation on human Sperm”, “Cryopreservation of gamete, embryos and reproductive tissue: daily practice in your lab and clinic”, “Quality and Risk management in your IVF laboratories: from theory to practice”, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis”).
During the academic year 2014/2015 Stella attended and received qualification for the supplementary program of specialized education of the National and Kapodistraiko University of Athens, titled “Human Reproduction”.
Clinical Laboratory Geneticist
Mr. Ioannis Papoulidis hold a Biotechnology degree from the University of Abertay Dundee in Great Britain, an MSc degree in applied genetics and biotechnology and a Clinical Laboratory Geneticist specialty title recognised by the European Board of Medical Genetics (EBMG).
His scientific and research interests focus on molecular diagnostics which is the subject of his doctoral thesis and has been retrained in numerous domestic and abroad laboratories in implementing methods for the diagnosis of genetic diseases.
He has participated in several national and international conferences related to genetics as a guest speaker as well as with written and oral presentations, and has been a member of relevant committees.
His scientific work has been published in numerous articles of internationally recognized scientific journals.
In April 2006 has been the founder and chairman of the board of the company Eurogenetica S.A. and director of molecular genetics laboratories, cytogenetic and biochemical genetics of the same company, until December 2014.
From December 2012 until December 2014 was vice president of the board and chief executive of the scientific services company NEOLAB S.A.
Today he is the director of laboratories in Thessaloniki and legal representative of the genetic center “ATG – Access To Genome“.
Biologist, Clinical Embryologist ESHRE Certified
Marianna Papadopoulou is a clinical biologist. She graduated in 2012 from the Department of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In 2011, she started her internship at Embryolab.
In 2012, she conducted her research project on male infertility at the Institute of Reproductive Sciences of the University of Oxford in Great Britain.
Upon completing her studies she became a member of the Embryolab laboratory team, where she was trained in all up-to-date laboratory techniques of IVF and cryopreservation.
Marianna attends scientific conferences and is briefed on all the latest developments in assisted reproduction. She actively participates and supports all the actions and conferences organized by the Embryolab Academy.
Since 2016 she has been certified by ESHRE as a Clinical Embryologist.
Biologist, Clinical Embryologist
Mary Karagianni graduated from the Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and completed her Master degree in ‘Reproductive-Regenerative Medicine’ in the Department of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Her theses in each degree are related with a) DNA fragmentation of human spermatozoa and b) in vitro maturation of oocytes (IVM) and vitrification of oocytes.
She has been working in medically assisted reproduction Clinics since 2010 in Thessaloniki and Athens and was Lab director of the embryology and andrology laboratory for 6 years. In 2017 she became a member of the Embryolab team.
She is a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Clinical Embryologists (PEKE) as well as European Society of Human for Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) from 2013.
Biologist, Clinical Embryologist ESHRE Certified.
Chara Oraiopoulou is a clinical embryologist with long experience in the field of assisted reproduction. She is specialized in the kinetic analysis of embryonic development using a time-lapse system and in preparing embryos for PGT.
Chara graduated in 2006 from the Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and completed her postgraduate studies in “Reproductive Biology” at the Medical College of the University of Glasgow, Great Britain.
Between 2009 and 2010, she worked at a company specializing in the isolation and cryopreservation of human stem cells in Thessaloniki.
Since 2010, she has been a member of the laboratory team of clinical embryologists at Embryolab. In 2013 she obtained certification as a clinical embryologist from the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
She is a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Clinical Embryologists (PEKE) as well as the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
Chara participates actively as a trainer in all of Embryolab Academy’s activities.
Biologist, ErGenetic counselor, Molecular Cytogenetics
Glykeria Samolada is a Biologist specialized in molecular cytogenetics, genetic counselling with experience in the field of assisted reproduction and low fertility.
Glykeria’s scientific interests focus mainly on male infertility, special chromosomal rearrangements which may affect fertility as well as counselling on preimplantation genetic diagnosis and prenatal checks. Also, the management of genetic examinations and information concerning hereditary abnormalities and diseases and counselling of similar cases and families represents an important area of activity.
She is a member of EBMG (European Board of Medical Genetics/EuroGenetic Counsellor).
She is Head of the Cytogenetic Laboratory at Embryolab and is an accredited Genetic Counselor.
Glykeria is married with 2 children. Her interests include genetics, poetry and philosophy. She enjoys travelling and nature. She is always on the move, being a creative and enquiring person; this is the reason why she passionately seeks out answers to fundamental questions of human existence, using with precision the tools and potential of the science of genetics. She supports the science that supports people!
Biologist, Senior Clinical Embryologist ESHRE Certified, Deputy Laboratory Manager
Martha Moysidou is a biologist - clinical embryologist with both clinical and research experience. Her clinical work counts up to 15,000 cycles so far.
Martha has completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Essex, Colchester, UK in 1998. She completed her master’s degree in Human reproductive Biology at Imperial College, London, UK and graduated with Distinction in 1999.
She has received her basic embryology training at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK until the summer of 2002. During that time she was also actively involved in the chromosomal screening of pre-implantation embryos for patients undergoing PGD/PGT-A using the FISH method.
In 2002 Martha returned to Greece and has worked as a clinical embryologist in both Athens and Thessaloniki expanded her knowledge and expertise on the field of assisted reproduction. Her main field of interest has been the clinical application of PGD/PGT-A and severe male infertility (TESE, FNA and OAT).
In 2008 she became a member of the Embryolab team and in 2015 she has become the Deputy Laboratory manager. During that time she haw also actively participated in the Embryolab Academy workshops (both in the organizing committee and as an instructor) and in numerous publications and oral presentations.
Martha is an active member of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) since 2002, PEKE (Pan-Hellenic Association of Clinical Embryologists) since 2005 and ACE (Association of Clinical Embryologists, UK) since 2018.
Co-Founder and Board Member of Embryolab Academy
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Embryolab's Clinical and Scientific Director.
Dr Nicholas Christoforidis is a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist with a sub-specialization in Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Techniques.
He graduated the School of Medicine of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1995 and trained thereafter in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the United Kingdom from 1995 until 2003. In 2001 he was appointed as a Fellow in the Imperial College, London, in the IVF Unit of Hammersmith Hospital, where he trained extensively in the investigation and management of infertility and assisted reproduction techniques.
He is the Clinical and Scientific Director of Embryolab Fertility Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece, since 2004 with a considerable and long experience in all aspects of investigation and treatment of fertility disorders, focusing on evidence-based practices and highlighting critical aspects of risk management. He is co-founder of the Embryolab Academy, a nonprofit organization, which aims to guide Fertility specialists and IVF units to grow in a systematic, effective and safe way, through continuous training and sharing of sound practices.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK, and a member of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
Co-Founder and Director of Embryolab Academy
Consultant Clinical Embryologist, Co-Founder of Embryolab Fertility Clinic.
Mrs. Alexia Chatziparasidou is a Consultant Clinical Embryologist with an experience of more than 45.000 cycles in assisted reproduction (ART). Her scientific interests focus mainly on the application of modern oocyte and embryo freezing methods and treating male sub-fertility and azoospermia. Since 2007 she has developed a special interest in efficient Total Quality Management (TQM) and Risk Management (RM) in ART units in the context of process optimization and standardization and the implementation of risk mitigation strategies.
In 2004, Mrs Chatziparasidou co-founded Embryolab, a well-known and modern state of the art fertility clinic, located in Thessaloniki Greece.
In 2007 she was awarded with her Master degree (MSc) on Clinical Embryology (Leeds University) and in 2008 she was certified by ESHRE as senior Clinical Embryologist.
In 2013 she co-founded Embryolab Academy and co-organized a series of international workshops on TQM and RM for ART units, cryopreservation and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT).
In 2020 she was certified with the PMI Risk Management Professional diploma.
Alexia Chatziparasidou travels the world as invited speaker in conferences and hands on workshops, is actively involved in research projects and training for all the modern ART lab techniques and is the author of a number of scientific articles, posters and chapters.
Her latest project is her thesis under the title: “The genetic basis of Azoospermia- The mystery that needs to be unraveled” in collaboration with the University of Thessaly. The aim of this project is to shed light in the genetic basis of azoospermia and set the basis for the development of personalized therapeutic options for men suffering from azoospermia.
Alexia Chatziparasidou enjoys to spend time with family and friends. She regards herself as very fortunate for being able to live her passion for science and be a part of all the latest scientific developments in the field of assisted reproduction but above all she feels extremely blessed for being able to serve and support men and women in their most wonderful journey. The journey to parenthood!