Course #8
Oocyte collection and cumulus removal

About the course:
Oocyte collection is one of the most critical steps of the IVF process. Efficiency and safety in all the steps involved are essential for a successful outcome.
This one-day intense one to one hands-on training course was designed to introduce beginner/junior scientists and technicians into the important aspects and essential steps which ensure efficient and safe egg collection and handling.
Course’s goals:
After this course the candidate will be able to:
- Know the fundamentals of the oocyte collection and denudation processes
- Know what can go wrong during egg collection and denudation
- Implement strategies for risk mitigation during oocyte collection and denudation
- Validate and monitor efficiency of oocyte collection and denudation
Training Material:
- Immature COC
- Training Videos
9-12: Hands on Session with the Oocyte Expert
- Media preparation
- Observe expert in action during oocyte collection
- Observe expert in action during oocyte denudation
- Discuss with the expert the tips and tricks for special cases
- Microscopic evaluation of different oocyte maturation stages
- Oocyte Morphology assessment
12:00-13:00: Lunch Break
13:00-17:00: The Oocyte Expert Introduces you to the:
- Fundamentals of Oocyte Collection and oocyte denudation
- Critical steps for oocyte collection and oocyte denudation
- Tips and tricks for oocyte collection and denudation
- QC and QA
Cost: 500 euros
Certificate of attendance:
All candidates will receive a certificate of attendance upon submitting the course’s evaluation form.